Sunday, December 24, 2006 - Defined.

This is not a place defined by its bricks and mortar.

It is a place defined by the people who choose to share comraderie, help each other attain his/her goals, improve strength, display courage and share the passion in their hearts.


Scott York

Saturday, December 23, 2006

FullForceFitness Movie Clip

Friday, December 15, 2006

Check out this inspirational movie!
Click the above link to view.

4 day week next week to conclude the current 6 week session.

We'll meet Mon - Thursday.

Last day is Thursday.

Weather should be nice throughout the week!

Shirts have been ordered and awaiting delivery, gift basket drawing will be done the last week.


Monday, December 11, 2006

Kim Stanley Day!

Today was Kim Stanley Day in appreciation for Kim and all of her dedication and grit! :)

Today we played "Deck the Halls" with decks of playing cards.

Hearts = Jumps
Spades = Situps no hands
Clubs = alternate Dumbbell push press
Diamonds = Dips

We split the group up and each group got a deck of cards. Everyone draws cards. Try to work through the deck before the other groups are finished.

If you draw a 2 of hearts that would be 12 reps of Jumps (or step ups - per leg).

If you draw an 8 of clubs that would be 18 Dumbbell push press with a 10lb or 15 lb dumbbell.

Face cards are 10 reps.

Joker is 10 reps of each of the 4 exercises(your entire group)plus one lap around the track.


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Today's Fullforcefitness Workout!

Today's workout looked like this:


Abs - 120 reps of a variety of exercises

Main Group Activity: "100 and a mile"

100 reps of the following (in any order, reps are not done consecutively but are the total for each exercise):


Situps no hands


Prisoner Squats

Dumbbell Push Press

12lb Medicine Ball Slam

Prisoner Squats

2/10 of a mile x 5

Time limit = 25 minutes

Great weather today, great effort!