Friday, February 15, 2013

Fight Gone Bad (Bootcamp Workout)

Here's a Crossfit inspired workout that we often did when I was running my bootcamp in Cedar Park, Texas.

On average, we would do this workout (or a variation on it) about once a month.

This workout combines cardio (jumping, burpees) and strength (slamball, pressing, swings).
Here's how we did it:
  • Create 5 Stations
  • Move through each station after 1 minute
  • This is a nonstop 5 minute circuit followed by a 2 minute rest
  • Repeat this circuit for 3 total rounds
The stations are:
  1. Slamball (using a 10-20lb medicine ball.  I like Dball brand because they don't bounce and smash  your clients in the face)
  2. Burpees
  3. Dumbbell Push Press
  4. Kettlebell Swings (or DB's)
  5. Bench Jumps (or squat jumps)
Rest 2 minutes.
Repeat for 3 total rounds.
For 20 people, put 4 people at each station. Make a contest out of it.  Use sidewalk chalk or a piece of paper and pen to write down the number of reps at each station.
Whichever group scores the most reps (points) wins!

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Getting Back Into It Workout

Hope you're doing great!

Here's my "starting to feel normal again" workout:

Row 2000 meters
20 GHD Situps
10 Fat Bar Pullups
10 Snatches (Olympic Lift)
20 GHD Situps
Muscle Up Practice


I'm just getting over a virus and it's important to take it easy when coming back to your workouts.

It feels good to get the blood pumping and I'm sure it helps to speed up recovery from the illness.

Still drinking LOTS of water and making sure to eat extra healthy.

I hate being sick - don't get sick that often so I put extra care into the first few weeks afterwards.

Friday, February 01, 2013

Post Virus Workout

I'm in the final phase of getting my gym together and have been DYING to workout in there!

But I've been sick.

Today is the first day that I can actually do something.

It's important to move, get the blood flowing and this results, I believe, in a speedier recoery.

So, today, in my garage gym:

Warm up (Stick twists, heavy bag)
Skinny bar pull ups
Fat bar pull ups
Muscle up practice (rings)
Olympic lift practices (snatch)
Barbell Lunges (parking lot)
Decompression work (lower back on the GHD)

Expect to be back 100% by end of the weekend.

Go Ravens!

- Scott

PS  Pics and videos coming soon.