Monday, September 24, 2007

Vitale's Victory!

Dr. Joe Vitale, one of my clients and my business mentor, recently conquered a lingering obstacle in his life.

The obstacle was a rope.

Read the article here


P.S. Joe has been on Larry King Live twice, is a bestselling author and is one of the stars in the underground hit movie, "The Secret"

Saturday, September 01, 2007

She Said She Didn't Feel Like Working Out!

This person, I'll call her Martha, had spent the summer having "fun" and put her fitness routine on the back burner.

We're off for a week and then will start up again on Monday, September 10th for Session 23.

Sign up now and save $50! Click the link below!

The price goes back up to $150 soon!

Martha skipped workouts day after day.

She didn't "feel" like doing it.

She "felt" unmotivated to workout.

So she didn't work out.

Martha was relying on her "feelings" to motivate her to workout.

Big mistake.

Your feelings will stand in the way of your dream body, and better health, time and time again.

If you allow it.

If I relied on my feelings, I'd be writing this from Baskin-Robbins right now!

But I have realized that, whether you like it or not, you can't workout when you only "feel" like it.

You'll never reach your goal.

Because there are no shortcuts.

There are, though, fearless performers who steam like a locomotive towards their goals and dreams.

That's why the boot camp model works so well.

It works well because there is a ferocious cooperation amongst FullForceFitness boot campers.

They believe in each other and they encourage each other.

That's hard to find at the gym where people are surrounded by mirrors.

We don't have any mirrors at our boot camps but we do have a winning attitude.

We have lessons within the workouts, during the strain, during that moment when those voices in our heads ask us to quit.

Those are our mirrors.

They give us a glimpse within ourselves.


And do what?

Nope we talk those voices down and use psychological momentum to power through the workout.

What most of us miss is this: These challenging workouts are opportunities to get stronger and to grow as an individual.

It's not something you "have" to do.

Exercise is something you "get" to do.

With a team of likeminded individuals.

Out here, at the park, there's no need to prove yourself only the opportunity to challenge yourself.

It's empowering.

I like a shot of empowerment here and again.

How about you?

Sign up before Aug 31 and save $50 ->

It comes out to a little over $8.00 per class.

The price goes up to $150 soon! Still a great bargain for 12 semi personal training sessions with The Expert - ME!

Session 23 (Sept 10 - Oct 4)

Registration Information

Date- Sept 10 - Oct 4

Time - 5:45am until 6:30am

Days - Monday/Tuesday/Thursday

Place - Elizabeth Milburn Park (1901 Sunchase Blvd, Cedar Park) * Subject to change

Bring a LARGE Towel and some water!

4 Week FullForceFitness Camp

Can't join us 3 days a week?

Here's a helpful option.

The FullForceFitness 12 punch card.

If you are traveling or always on the go, then this punch card is for you.

The cost is just $150 for 12 sessions which comes out to only a little over $12.00 per class!

Please bring the punch card to each session so that the instructor can punch the card before the class begins.

The card must be used within 60 days. Punch Card will be mailed to you within 24 hours or you can come to class right away and we will issue the punch card to you at that time.

Get it here ->

"Every time I'm tempted to put something in my mouth that isn't planned, I feel like I have the option in that moment of getting stronger or weaker, not just heavier or thinner." - Stephanie T. from "Health" magazine, September 2007

Dealing with Plateaus.

They happen to everyone one of us.


Our waistlines don't get smaller; the scale doesn't budge for weeks at a time despite faithfully adhering to our exercise and nutritional plans.

This happens to most everyone.

Don't sweat it.

Try cutting your daily calories by 200 or exercising an extra 15 minutes more a day (with your doctor's permission, of course) and see if these 2 tips don't help bust through the plateau.

Remember, the body craves homeostasis (or balance).

The body will resist change at times.

These 2 tips are gentle ways to "coax" the body to respond.

(Also paraphrased from "Health" magazine, September 2007)

Have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend - hope to see/meet you soon!


P.S. Session 23 starts September 10th!

Sign up before Aug 31st and save $50 ->

Contact Us
phone: 512.233.0756