Thursday, January 25, 2007

Final showdown.

We had a 3 day fitness challenge this week.

On Monday we split the group up into teams of 3.

Then we had a series of fitness challenges and activities (points based) with all teams competing to earn the most points during the week.

Today, Thursday, was the final showdown.

After our warmup, we split up into our teams and played "deck of cards".

Hearts = Burpees
Spades = Situps
Clubs = 12 " Jumps
Diamonds = Dips

The object was for each team to work through the deck as quickly as possible.

If you drew a 2 of hearts then you needed to perform 12 Burpees.

If you drew a 4 of clubs then you needed to perform 14 reps of Jumps.

If you drew a joker then your team must stop immediately, run a lap (200yds approx) and then do 10 reps of each exercise.

1st place finishing team earns 500 pts
2nd place 300 points
3rd place 200 points
4th place 100 points

Coming into todays class, the points totals for each team were:
and 800

Team 1 won the 500 points and the challenge.

But remember...there are no losers and no whiners. Just tough it out, do what must be done, take care of our bodies and our minds - WINNERS!


P.S. Next week is our last week of session 15. The makeup day is Fri, Feb 2nd.

Session 16 starts on Monday, Feb 5th. Sign up at!

Monday, January 08, 2007

FullForceFitness Workout With Dice

We split the group into smaller groups of 5 people.

The object was to roll the dice a total of 10 times per person.

Each roll is with 2 die.

The first group in which all 5 people roll a total of 10 times win.

All reps are 15.

If you roll a :

1 - Ring Pullups

2- Spidermans

3- DB Squats

4- Bench Jumps

5- Toe Touch with 12lb Medicine Ball

6- 1 lap (220 yds)

Snake eyes: Stop! The whole team runs a lap and each member performs 15 Burpees before continuing with the game.

Team 1 wins!

"The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is: that one often comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't. " - Henry Ward Beecher

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Where was Kim?

This was the question?

Kim (or K.J. as some of us call her) has not missed class in almost 1 1/2 years.

She missed this morning.


I had a beautiful workout planned just for her.

The workout (main activity) was:

20 Burpees
20 incline pushups

20 Burpees
20 Decline pushups

20 Burpees
20 DB swings

20 Burpees
20 Situps

20 Burpees
20 Ledge Squats

20 Burpees
20 Dips

20 Burpees
20 DB Alternate Deadlift

20 Burpees
20 Romanian Split Squats

We partnered up and blasted our way (sometimes struggling a bit) through the workout.

We had to scale down the Burpee reps to 10 instead of 20.

No apologies, though. This was tough.

Just like Kim.

The name of todays workout is "Kim".

Hope all is well.


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

January 2nd 2007 - Day 1 Session 15

We welcomed in the New Year this morning with a calorie blasting workout!

Let the Spring/Summer countdown begin!

Today our main activity was:

1 Lap (100 yds)

Ledge jumps (18 inches high) x 30 reps

Dumbbell swings x 15 reps

Ring pullups x 15 reps

Situps (no hands) x 15 reps

Medicine Ball slams (12 lb ball) x 15 reps

Goal: Complete as many rounds of the above in 17 minutes!

Good job, everyone - way to start off the year!
