Friday, December 19, 2008

The Future of Fitness in 2009

Since 2009 is right around the corner, I wanted to make a few predictions based upon my 20 + years of experience in the fitness industry.

I make it my business to keep my fingertips on the pulse of the industry to determine what trends are emerging as well as what trends are disappearing.

The bottom line tells me that while people are becoming more informed and aware of the pitfalls of poor health and wellness, they are still not taking action as evidenced by our continuing obesity epidemic.

It appears as though the fitness industry as a whole has again failed to produce any significant results on a broad scale to effectively reverse the scary obesity epidemic that is plaguing our society.

More specifically, the sickening fact that American adults keep getting fatter, more lethargic, and less healthy has mirrored the unabated deterioration in the health and fitness of our youth population.

However, on a positive note, I predict that 2009 will be see rise to several growing fitness trends that will provide the long-term answers to solve this ever-growing problem:

Fitness Trend#1- Fitness Boot Camps Will Grow, One-On-One Personal Training Will Not

If you are one of Santa’s little helpers and have been busy at the North Pole, then perhaps you are not aware that we are in the midst of the biggest economic recession since The Great Depression.

With an economy that will most likely get worse before it gets better, the average American simply does not have the disposable income for typical personal training rates that run about $60 and up per hour.

However, thanks to good old American ingenuity, behind every problem lies an answer.

The answer is fitness boot camps.

Boot camps are probably the hottest thing in the fitness game right now.

Why? Because they work – they get results!

They have a built in social element that keeps everyone honest regarding their attendance and as a result this is a huge key to fitness goal success!

The group training business model creates the ultimate win-win for trainers and clients making the one-on-one alternative obsolete. Fitness trainers get to better leverage their time and maximize profits by working with an unlimited number of clients per hour.

Fitness clients are able to better access personal training services in a unique and dynamic team environment that provides better social support and accountability for only a the third of the cost of typical one-on-one training rates.

Fitness boot camps will continue to spring up all over the place, and for good reason. If you are trying to lose weight in 2009, do yourself a favor by saving your hard-earned money to get better results by joining a local fitness boot camp.

The money that you spend is an investment - not an expense.

You will feel better, sleep better, have more energy, be happier, less stressed, be stronger mentally and physically and as a result be able to deal with any obstacle that comes your way.

Fitness is an investment that pays you back multiple times over.

Do not shortchange yourself or your health.

Fitness Trend#2- Interval Training Beats Aerobic Training For Improved Fat Loss And Body Shape Remodeling

High-Intensity Interval Training has been around for a while but it will continue to gain fans due to its more efficient means of improving fitness levels and for superior “body cosmetic effect” (creating a lean and mean body.

Thankfully, 2009 will see more people doing sprints and less people doing marathons to lose weight. However, make no mistake about it; lots of people are still going to do hours of snail-paced cardio to burn fat.

Aerobic or endurance training is essentially going at a slow, low intensity pace for a long period of time (typically at least 30-60 minutes). In other words, the focus of endurance training is on the total volume of exercise (not quality). Think about all those speed limpers you see every New Year foolishly running for hours pounding the pavement or treadmill to get rid of that winter blubber.

Sadly, this results in minimal fat loss and lots of overtraining injuries.

With interval training, the focus is on the intensity of exercise (quality). Intervals consist of alternating between shorts bouts of all out high-intensity effort and active recovery periods for a much quicker and focused amount of time (typically 10-20 minutes of intervals works best).

This approach is scientifically proven to burn nine times more fat AND lead to faster improvements in fitness than the aerobic alternative.

Two landmark scientific studies come to mind here:

The Tabata study compared the effects of four minutes of high-intensity interval training with 45-60 minutes of low to moderate intensity cardio. The interval training group burned just as much fat as the endurance group and also had greater improvement in both anaerobic (think sprinters) and aerobic (think distance runners) fitness… in only four minutes!

The Gibala study compared the effects of 20 minutes of interval training (30 second sprint followed by four minutes of rest) with 90-120 minutes of endurance training in the “heart rate zone.”

The conclusions of the study were that both methods of training lead to the same improvements in oxygen utilization (or aerobic fitness). In other words, intervals accomplished what endurance training did from a fitness standpoint in only a sixth of the time!

The time is now to jump on the interval training bandwagon. Come 2009, do yourself and your body a favor and start sprinting to look and feel better.

Fitness Trend#3- Lean Proteins And Fiber Are The Carbohydrate Junkies Answer For Improved Health, Performance, and Body Composition

Americans are carbohydrate junkies. We simply can’t get enough starches and sugars in our diet, and we have the bulging midsections to prove it. One of the biggest misconceptions about diet today is that eliminating starches and sugars from your diet automatically means low carb.

Better said, eliminating grains (even whole grains) and refined sugars still allows for consumption of the other carbohydrates: fruits and veggies. These nutrient-dense carbs are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber and create more stable blood sugar levels to keep your body burning fat all day long.

All of my clients who have lost the most fat have followed our guidelines of unlimited veggies all day long (besides corn, peas, carrots, beets, and potatoes). In other words, eat lots of vegetables, and very little of the other stuff if you want to see your abs!

Believe it or not, I actually look FORWARD to grilled chicken, mixed vegetables and 16 oz of water at lunchtime.

Because I know that not only is it going to make me FEEL better but I’m also going to get FASTER RESULTS with my workout program.

This is how I lost 13lbs leading up to my vacation to Cancun, Mexico in October 2008.

And now that that excess weight is gone, my metabolism runs better, my clothes fit better, I have more energy and I am lighter on feet.

The overwhelming scientific literature proving the fat burning benefits of a diet high in lean protein and fiber is finally catching the eye of mainstream consumers.

It’s what bodybuilders and elite athletes have known all along.

Protein is the most important component of each and every meal or snack you consume. It builds and maintains muscle, allows your body to preferentially burn fat, increases metabolism through the thermal effect of feeding, and fills you up.

Fiber (ideally obtained from fruits and vegetables, specifically green vegetables) helps slow digestion for a more steady supply of nutrients and sustained energy, it prevents overeating at each meal, and it helps keep you more full between meals.

Thus by combining protein and fiber every two to four hours, you provide your body with the optimal one-two belly fat burning punch for a leaner, stronger you.]

(Speaking of a 1-2 punch and becoming leaner and stronger, check out the 45 second video of one of my clients, Monica Brant performing a recent kickboxing style workout with Jake.

Does she look wiped out or what at the end of this video?)

Click ->

(turn up your speakers to hear)

Since our indoor boot camp location in Cedar Park, has heavy bags, gloves, pads and more we are going to be implementing more of this style of training in 2009 during our boot camp classes.

Hopefully, people will be consuming more protein and fruits and veggies next year, and their bodies will reap the rewards of this.

That wraps up my “Fitness Forecast” for 2009, hope to see you in the gym and I hope that the information in this article gives you the “kick” that you need to be the trendsetter for your own body and the bodies of those whom you care most about in the New Year!

I wanted to tell you that I am really enjoying your class and appreciate your patience, motivation, professionalism and obvious passion for what you do. It really is contagious... !”

R. Armour

Cedar Park, Texas

P.S. I hear from people all of the time who would like to enroll in my boot camp but are nervous or apprehensive about joining due to one thing or another.

I can assure you that nearly everyone feels that way before taking that first step.

Remember, it’s not where you start, it’s where you finish that matters!



Friday, December 12, 2008

Holiday Gift Ideas for Fitness Enthusiasts

If you're stumped about what to give your friends and loved ones for the holidays, why not consider a present related to fitness?

Just for fun, why not add a few fitness gifts to your own wish list this holiday season? After all, who doesn’t want to look or perform better?

Here are my top gift ideas for the fitness enthusiasts on your list:

1. A Foam Roller

If you happen to be like the majority of people, you are glued to your desk most of the day. And when you actually do have time to work out, all you usually can fit in is the workout itself. In today's fast paced world, who really has the time to stretch daily?

A foam roller is useful at this point. This self-massage tool is remarkable and it greatly helps to avoid injury along with also improving performance. It is optimal to have five minutes after workouts to help speed up the healing of very small tears in muscle tissue that can result from a strenuous workout; foam rollers can rapidly start the recovery process.

Plus, a foam roller both kneads out and lengthens your muscles and connective tissues thus alleviating, if not eliminating, nagging aches and pains in your back, knees, hips, shoulders, and elbows.

If you’re going to get a foam roller, get a good one. The really inexpensive versions have a habit of wearing out and turning into limp noodles within a few months. The brand that I prefer is the EVA Premium Foam Roller (roughly thirty dollars), I use them often and I stand behind it! Check, or any local sporting goods store.

2.) Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are far and away the most simple, handy, and least costly choice of gear in the fitness equipment arena. They allow you to do quick and effective workouts no matter where you are.

Traveling professionals do well to use bands as a lightweight training tool for workouts on the road because the bands can easily fit in very small bags. Bands are useful too, for stay at home Moms (or Dads) who would like to work out in the comfort of their own home. For a bit of added variety to your weight training, try bands, which need no set up, are joint friendly and they're fun to use.

Find them at your local sporting goods store. Speaking of which...

3.) Gift from Your Local Sporting Goods Store

It doesn't get much better than a gift from your local sporting goods store for the weekend warrior on your list. It is never a bad idea to opt for a gift card in this case since everyone has their own tastes, especially in terms of fashion sizes and styles.

4.) Food

Everyone has to eat, right? Consider giving 7 days of healthy food from an organic grocer like Whole Foods to a friend or loved one instead of throwing away money at an overpriced restaurant.

Years ago, I had the impression that Whole Foods was some elitist store for wealthy folks or hippies. Boy was I mistaken. I shop there somewhat regularly these days, particularly when buying produce to avoid foods that are typically loaded with hormones and/or pesticides. The key is to plan ahead and stay on a budget. I aim for $20 on fruits and veggies, $10 on miscellaneous items and spend $50 bucks on protein.

5) Massage

My boot campers hear me mention this one a lot. Most of us are busy and stressed during the holiday season and nothing eases the tension like a good massage

This gift is as close to being a can't miss idea as they get, unless it's for a person who can't stand being touched! It feels good to indulge once in a while, and while the foam roller I talked about above can do great things for most of your body, nothing can relieve stress in your upper back, neck and head like a highly trained massage therapist!

6.) Supplements that Work: Protein Powders, Fish Oil, Multi-Vitamins

I have helped hundreds of people lose lots of fat. Over the years of trying different supplements, I've found three that have become a mandatory part of a fat loss program: protein powders, fish oil and multi-vitamins.

For a quick, easy meal alternative, snack or post workout drink, try protein powders. When looking for a protein powder, you should try to find a brand that has low sugar with a mix of both casein (slow absorbing) and whey protein (fast absorbing).

I like Cytosport’s Muscle Milk. I got my Mother to try Muscle Milk years ago and it has since become a staple in her daily diet. Find it at your local health food store or buy it online at All of the flavors are good.

Fish oil, or more appropriately an essential fatty acid (EFA) is critical to providing key omega 3’s to maximize overall health, performance, and body composition. Find it at Whole Foods or even at your local supermarket.

A daily multi-vitamin provides key vitamins and minerals which can be very hard to get unless you have a diet that is almost perfect.

And who does?

I like to pull out all the stops when it comes to taking care of my body, how about you?

Make sure that you pick a multi-vitamin supplement and make sure it is made from whole foods instead of synthetic materials, along with also making sure the supplement is specifically made for your gender.

7.) A Gift Card to a Fitness Boot Camp

Boot camps provide a fun and exciting team environment that can get better results than one-on-one personal training for only a fraction of the cost… it’s a total no-brainer.

Look for a local fitness boot camp with tons of social proof (client testimonials, videos) to make sure they have a solid reputation and a bunch of raving fans of people just like you.

Plus, any good boot camp worth its weight offers free trials to all newcomers because they are so confident their program works that you’ll more than likely continue after a test-drive, This way there is typically no risk on your part… besides getting your butt kicked, in a good way!

So join a fitness boot camp with at least one other friend or family member or buy a boot camp gift card to give to your loved ones. As a boot camp owner myself, I know firsthand that clients always get better results when they embark on a fitness journey with others.

We’ve all heard the media telling us not to buy gift cards as businesses are failing and the sky is falling, blah, blah, and blah.

Still, just make sure that the business has been around a few years before springing for a gift card.

And if you live in the local Cedar Park, Texas area, come join us for the best boot camp experience in the Austin, Texas area by visiting FullForceFitness. Our workouts will change your body and give you more energy in 2009!

Friday, December 05, 2008

13 Key Diet Strategies To Keep A Tight Waist This Holiday Season

Do not let the upcoming Holidays serve as an excuse to “fall off the wagon” with your regular eating habits. It’s too easy to add 5 – 6 lbs or more with all of the extra cookies, cakes, sweets, etc that will be passed around at Holiday parties and get togethers. Below are 13 great diet strategies to help keep off the dreaded holiday weight gain.

Here are numerous ways to help prevent overeating at the dinner table during the Holiday Season. A little splurging is, of course, OK but know when to say when. Otherwise that tearing sensation might be your pants serving as an overload warning!

1.) Get In Some High-Intensity Activity Before and/or After a Big Meal or Holiday Feast

I know, I know. I promised diet strategies, but I simply cannot go without recommending some sort of exercise. Your body is most receptive to higher calorie and/or carbohydrate meals within 30 minutes before and within three hours following high-intensity activity. Ideally you would want to workout out before AND after a big meal, but if you can only do one, that will suffice. It is less important when you do it and more important that you do it. Your best options will be 20 minutes of circuit resistance training or cardio interval training. Even a 20-30 plus minute walk a few hours afterwards can serve as a bit of damage control.

2.) Do NOT Fast in Preparation for a Big Meal or Holiday Feast

Fasting is a big mistake for a few reasons. Our energy levels drop, we lose muscle tissue, our metabolism slows down and we end up what I call “skinny –fat”. Do yourself and your body a favor by eating every two to four hours as you normally would to prevent yourself from becoming a ravenous, fat-storing beast this holiday season!

3.) Do NOT Overdo It

Eat until the point of satisfaction, not discomfort. You can always have more later. The food will not keep up and walk away. Eat a little. Take a break. Repeat. People who are lean do not make a habit out of overeating. It is imperative to understand that that holiday meals are not a ticket to eat as much as you can in as little time as possible. However, listen to your body and make sure to enjoy the foods you are craving in moderation and only eat when you are hungry.

4.) Eat a High-Fiber, Protein-Rich Meal An Hour Before a Holiday Event

Have a protein drink. Have some all natural peanut butter. Or a handful of raw almonds. By having a meal that is protein based, you will help prevent overeating by making your body feel more full which in turn means less calories consumed during the ensuing feast. My favorite strategy is to drink a protein shake with added fiber and healthy fats (e.g. 2-4 Tbsp. flax meal) and 1 liter of water before such a meal to help keep me nice and full upon arrival. This way you won’t lose any friends by eating their entire dinner platter and you’ll save your midsection from a fluffier existence!

5.) Eat Lean Proteins, Fruits and Vegetables FIRST

Try the 8 bites of healthy food, 1 bite of not so healthy food method. The ratio is 8 to 1. For every 8 bites of healthy food that you take, you can have 1 bite of desert. Have fun with it. Make sure to load up on healthier food choices first and try to eat as much lean meat, fish, and fruits and veggies as possible at the start of each holiday event. This will leave less room for the unhealthier, higher calorie treats. At least this way you know your body is getting in some good nutrition and you are not putting yourself at excessive risk for sickness and/or other health concerns.

6.) Drink, Drink, Drink Water!

Carry a water bottle in your car and on your person wherever you go. Drinking water will keep you fuller, give you more energy and make you feel better. At least it does for me. For every plate of food that you eat, try to drink at least 1-2 glasses of water. After that second plate, when you have 1 full liter of water in your stomach, I bet you might just be ready to get away from the dining table for a while!

7.) Do NOT Eat Again Until Hungry Following a Large Meal

It’s easy to socialize and reach for the pralines. It’s fun to try all of the sweets that Aunt Martha has been baking and stockpiling for over a month now. Now I know I already told you to eat every 2-4 hours, but there is one exception to this. If you eat a huge meal, it is important not to eat again until you are hungry and/or no longer full.

If your body is not used to eating such a big meal, then it will take a much longer time to digest all that food and the worst thing you can do is put more food into an already full stomach, unless you goal is to do the stop, drop, and roll drill. Only when you are hungry again should you resume your normal eating plan following a big holiday meal. Also, after a big meal, look for a few bites of fresh pineapple or papaya. These 2 fruits contain digestive enzymes that should help to make that full feeling go away more quickly.

8.) Back On Track To Your Regular Eating Habits

You probably will be ready to eat less and feel better after gorging at that one big meal. Remember weekly caloric intake is far more important than daily caloric intake. For example, let’s say that you need 2800 calories per day to maintain your current body weight.

Well, all that you need to do is make sure the average daily caloric intake each week is 2800 calories per day. This means that you can fluctuate your daily caloric intake and yield the same results as if you ate that same amount each day. So if you have one day of big eating where you eat 9,000 calories (just an example, not a recommendation), but you only eat 2,000 calories per day the rest of the week, you will still end up at the same caloric balance.

Again, I am not recommending that you eat in such an extreme manner; rather I am suggesting that you do not have to obsess about being perfect. Enjoy some indulging in moderation at your various holiday festivities knowing that the week in review trumps a day in review, even when you are particularly naughty on any given day.

9.) Never Eat Junk Food Before Bed

This could be the worst thing to do. You’re on the couch relaxing, the dishes are clean, the house is quiet and your emotional eating buttons have been activated. You reach for the left over chocolate chip pecan pie, then the vanilla ice cream, then the egg nog…STOP IT!

Eating at night will make your blood sugar levels go crazy for the rest of the day resulting in greater junk food cravings and uncontrollable hunger. Plus all of those unused calories will most likely be stored as body fat! This is not the way to reach our fitness goals.

10.) Control your Portions

Try to eat only two thirds of all the servings on your plate of unhealthy food that you choose. Two thirds of the portions equal only two thirds of the calories!

11.) Avoid Empty Liquid Calories and Alcohol

One can easily consume over 1,000 calories per day from liquid calories alone. This means that in one week, you can gain 2 lbs of body fat from just fluids! Instead choose regular food calories. Sugary juices and/or alcoholic drinks will blunt fat burning and wreak havoc on your metabolism.

Furthermore, your body cannot burn fat until the liver processes the poisonous alcohol out of your body. Thus over-consumption of alcohol can prevent the fat burning process from resuming until several days later and/or even cause unwanted fat gain and thus set you back as little as a few days to as long as a full week!

12.) Substitute Whenever Possible

Instead of using sugar, substitute with zero calorie alternatives like splenda or stevia. They can deliver a similar taste without all of the extra sugar and calories. Your goal should be to find the minimal amount of calories that can provide the same great taste that makes the holiday treats enjoyable rather than simply overdoing it because you can!

13.) Avoid Them Like The Plague

One of the worst things that we can do is to eat a meal that is high in both fat and carbohydrates. The high amount of carbs will lead to a rapid increase in blood sugar levels and thus large increases in the potent fat-storing hormone Insulin. The high amount of fat will lead to a large increase in free fatty acids in your bloodstream.

Since Insulin is already present in large amounts, in addition to there being a large amount of free fatty acids now available in your blood, the stage is set for all those free fatty acids to be gobbled up and stored by your fat cells. This is the equivalent of becoming the next New Years Day float, so it is imperative to use caution at your holiday meals when it comes to combining fat (particularly saturated and trans fats) and carbs (particularly starches and refined sugars). In general, it is best to choose one over the other.

But since most people crave carbs at their free meals, it is essential to keep the fat low at this meal. Want pasta? Instead of alfredo sauce, opt for marinara sauce with whole grain pasta. Want pizza? Make your own pizza with whole grain crust and fat-free cheese. Want mashed potatoes? Well then be sure to skip the gravy and go easy on the butter.

These small changes can literally save you hundreds, even thousands of calories, and more importantly will prevent your holiday feasts from creating the optimal fat-storing environment that will set you back from achieving your health and fitness goals.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Here’s To Eating More, Playing More and Burning More During the Holidays!

With the busy Chistmas Holidays right around the corner, it’s easy to put our workouts on the shelf.

However, do not let yourself get caught in the trap of not working out in order to make more time for Holiday errands or events.

Do not make the mistake of risking all of your hard earned strength and lean tissue.

Why you ask?

Losses in lean muscle mass will lower your resting metabolic rate, which accounts for the vast majority (about 60-75%) of your total daily calorie burning.

This means that everyday you will be burning less and less calories which will put you at a much greater risk of putting on ugly, unwanted body fat during the Holidays.

Plus, losing strength will mean that the next time you start to work out, your performance could be sub par and you might get smacked in the face with that ugly word that no one ever wants to encounter when it comes to their training: regression!

Furthermore, there are many clever ways to maintain or increase the number of calories you burn per day, both from exercise and from your normal daily activities, to stay fat-free this holiday season.

Below are some tips that you can use to build/keep muscle (lean tissue) which will in turn keep your metabolism racing while burning those extra calories that we all eat during the Holidays.

1.) Perform at least one intense strength training session per week

Studies show that only one single strength training workout per week during times when you cannot train as frequently as you normally do is an effective way to maintain your current levels of strength and lean muscle mass.

So, to best maintain your strength and lean muscle mass, shoot for at least one good strength training workout per week to stay strong and energetic during the Holidays and to prevent unwanted regressions in fitness.

To best prevent weight gain, aim for three total body strength workouts per week. To maximize fat burning, perform three total body strength workouts per week and also perform three cardio interval workouts per week on non strength-training days.

2.) Hit Your Totals

Your body is a moron. In other words, it cannot differentiate between 100 push-ups performed in a row versus 100 total push-ups performed in a day.

When you honestly cannot find a five to 20-minute time slot to complete an effective total body workout, look for hidden chunks of time during the day to get in a certain number of daily repetitions for a certain number of exercises that work your entire body. Got a free 60 seconds or so during the day?

Then, bang out 10 push-ups, 10 rows, and 20 squats. Using this method throughout the day will lead to big numbers by the end of the day that will burn the same amount of calories in addition to creating similar muscle building effects as if you did all of the exercises at once during a single workout.

It is important to note that this “Hit Your Totals” routine is merely a back-up option to the ideal 20-minute interval training workouts which are scientifically proven to burn nine times more fat than ordinary exercise (see my past blog posts for more info).

Short rest periods between exercises create the optimal hormonal environment for rapid fat loss and lean muscle gain, where as the long rest periods (full recovery) between movements do not.

However, it comes down to effective (“Hit Your Totals”) versus optimal (50-10 Total Body Circuit Interval Training Workouts), so be sure to at least be effective this Holiday season!

Be sure to pick “Big” exercises.

By “Big” exercises, I am referring to exercises that work the most muscles at a time. Examples would be Squat Thrusts, Lunges, Squat Jumps, Deadlifts, Chin Ups, Pushups or Squats.

Use the plan below as a guide to build your own “Hit Your Totals” workout. Adjust the repetition ranges accordingly based on your current strength levels.

The only thing you need is your body weight and adjustable dumbbells and/or resistance bands. Be sure to warm up and stretch for a few minutes before starting. Perform this plan up to three times per week, resting a day between workouts.

Make sure to alternate between Plan A and Plan B for more variety.

You can either hit your total by doing one exercise first (e.g. perform push-ups rest-pausing as needed until you get 100 total), or by simply employ circuit style training (e.g. 20 squats, 10 push-ups, 10 rows, repeat 10x throughout the day to hit your totals).

The Hit Your Total Workout For The Holidays

Plan A-

Body weight Squats: 100-200 total
Push-ups: 50-100 total
DB/Band Rows: 50-100 total

Plan B-

Body weight Lunges: 50-100/total per leg
Off Chair/Couch Dips: 50-100 total
DB/Band Curls: 50-100 total (feel free to swap pull-ups or pull-downs here if you have access to the equipment)

3.) Rage Against The Machines

Machines have made us an incredibly out of shape and overweight society. This holiday season make it a point to not use them!

Now I don’t mean to say that you cannot drive to the mall during the Holidays. However, when you get to the mall, try to park further away so you can do more walking to get inside.

Avoid using elevators and escalators and opt for the stairs; all those steps truly do add up. Stay on your feet as much as possible and resist the temptation to let a machine do the work for you.

4.) Engage in more outdoor holiday activities

Since I have 3 young boys, we tend to spend a lot of time outside (not always by choice).

When we’re outdoors, it’s fun to make up fitness type games to not only wear the boys out but to burn some calories as well.

In fact, this is how I came up with the idea for my best selling eBook for personal trainers, coaches and boot camp instructors called, “Fitness Games” at!

So make an effort to get outdoors this Holiday season, breathe in some fresh air and throw around the football or Frisbee while enjoying each others company.

Once again, all of these calories here and there truly do add up and could make a difference between whether you fit into your pants or split out the back by the time the clock strikes midnight this New Year!