Friday, October 17, 2008

"Stressed Spelled Backward Is Desserts."

"Stressed spelled backward is desserts."

"Both men and women consume more high-fat, high-sugar snacks when they’re feeling overwhelmed by daily hassles, especially those related to work, according to a recent study in Health Psychology. Women, people on a diet and the obese were most likely to snack when stressed.

What to do: Pop a strong mint or breath strip in your mouth or rinse with mouthwash to help yourself resist the urge to snack. When you’re feeling tense, do something that does not involve food. Take a 5- or 10-minute walk outside, call a friend, do some gentle stretches, or listen to your favorite music to decompress and help you avoid seeking comfort in food."


Session 35 (Nov 10 - Dec 4) Early Registration Underway!

Beat back Holiday weight gain and stress!

Get energized and get in shape!

Join us for Session 35! Save $25 and reserve your spot!

Click here for more info!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Taste and Hunger

Carefully consider the relationship between taste and hunger.

Can you use hunger to your advantage?

Can hunger reactivate long dormant primitive hardwiring?

Can deep hunger be used to our benefit - instead of its usual role as a detrimental binge trigger?

The first step is to stop eating.

At least for a little while.

Eventually deprivation reawakens deadened and desensitized taste buds.

We are taste junkies.

We are used to eating what and when we want.

Our taste buds are overwrought and overwhelmed.

Only the most extreme foods are able to push their way through to head of our overwhelmed palettes.

Our taste receptors are clogged.

Hunger cleanses out these sites.

Fasting is one way to make a clean break with the detrimental foods we are so addicted to.

Let us go cold turkey...let us reestablish reality.

For up to 48 hours, drink fruit juices and protein shakes on a as needed basis...

excerpt from "The Purposeful Primitive"
