Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Problem With "Big Box" Gyms


I just wanted to tell you that last week I went to a "Big Name" gym.

I was watching what was happening in the gym.

Now I have never belonged to one of these places, and have only been inside one or two in my life.

I was very disappointed to see that few people interacted with each other.

In all fairness, I was near the elliptical and treadmills, but they just got on the machine and stared at the TV.

Obviously I am a bit biased as I LOVE your class, but I can't imagine paying to go to such an impersonal place.

Anyway, just wanted to give you a pat on the back for creating such a great atmosphere, in your classes, and taking a personal interest in all of us."

A FullForceFitness Member
Cedar Park, Texas