Friday, January 29, 2010

"Obesity Rates Idle As Most Of Us Are Already Fat"

America’s rapid rise in obesity appears to have leveled off, with new government figures showing no significant increase in a decade.

But there's little reason to cheer. More than two-thirds of adults and almost a third of children are overweight, and there are no signs of improvement...

(read the rest here)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Scott York's FullForceFitness and Monica Brant

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Consistency and Commitment

" Whenever and wherever you find true virtuosity, look behind the scenes and ‘consistency’ and ‘commitment’ will be there every time. They are the keys to virtuosity."

–Peter Vidmar

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Every 1st Monday of the Month

"Physical fitness can neither be achieved by wishful thinking nor outright purchase."

–Joseph Pilates

FullForceFitness starts a new 4 week session every 1st Monday of the month.

Next 4 week session begins on February 1st 2010.

Register at

Monday, January 18, 2010

Friday, January 08, 2010

Thursday, January 07, 2010

"Your BootCamp Is Awesome!"

"Your boot camp is awesome and it is a privilege to be able to train with you. I feel better both mentally and physically almost instantly because of your boot camp. Thanks for putting me back on the wagon.

I really like the challenges for the next two sessions (Session 48 and 49)"

Thanks, Misty G./Round Rock, Tx

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Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Keys To A Healthy Body

"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body; it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity."
–John F. Kennedy

Tuesday, January 05, 2010


"Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness."

–Earl of Derby

Monday, January 04, 2010

Cage Crushing With Monica Brant and Austin Fit Magazine

The Workout Full Force Fitness Boot Camp

Circuit Training & Cage Crush
with Scott york

{1} 30-yard sprints (x 4)
{2} 10 pistols/10 box jumps (x 4)
{3} 10 overhead squats/10 box out and ins (x 4)
{4} 30-yard sprints (x 4)
{5} Burpees for 1 min with 1 min rest (x 2)
{6} 10 dumbell swings/10 double-unders (x 3)
{7} 30/20/10 knee raises/ring pull-ups
{8} Cage Crush (2 min)


Q&A with Monica

Did you get your butt kicked?

Yes, it was a great workout and today (the day after) my glutes are sore which is awesome!

Did you ever feel over-exerted?

Definitely during the 2nd timed “burpees.”
Those are tough!

What was the hardest part of the workout?

The ring body-weight pull-ups. Especially since I took some time off from my regular gym workouts.

(read the rest of the article here

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Saturday, January 02, 2010

Cobwebs To Cables

‘Habits are at first cobwebs, then cables.’ ~ Spanish Proverb

Let’s face it: most of us fail when it comes to sticking to resolutions — so much so that many people swear never to make resolutions again.

And yet the rest of us are eternally hopeful when the New Year comes around, believing without any credible evidence that we can improve our lives, that change is possible, that we’re not going to be stuck in the same old rut again this year.

I’m here to tell you that you can do it. It’s possible. I’ll show you how.

The Problem with Most Resolutions
While I love the optimism of New Year’s Resolutions, unfortunately, the enthusiasm and hope often fades within weeks, and our efforts at self improvement come to a whimpering end.

New Year’s Resolutions usually fail because of a combination of some of these reasons:

* We try to do too many resolutions at once, and that spreads our focus and energies too thin. It’s much less effective to do many habits at once (read more).

* We only have a certain amount of enthusiasm and motivation, and it runs out because we try to do too much, too soon. We spend all that energy in the beginning and then run out of steam.

* We try to do really tough habits right away, which means it’s difficult and we become overwhelmed or intimidated by the difficulty and quit.

* We try to be “disciplined” and do very unpleasant habits, but our nature won’t allow that to last for long. If we really don’t want to do something, we won’t be able to force ourselves to do it for long.

* Life gets in the way. Things come up unexpectedly that get in the way of us sticking with a habit.

* Resolutions are often vague — I’m going to exercise! — but don’t contain a concrete action plan and don’t use proven habit techniques. That’s a recipe for failure.

There are other reasons, but the ones above are easily sufficient to stop resolutions from succeeding.

The 6 Changes Method
So what are we to do? I’ve created the 6 Changes Method to solve these problems:

* We only focus on one habit change at a time, so our focus and energies aren’t spread thinly.

* We implement the habit changes gradually, so we don’t run out of steam.

* We start out really, really easily, so it isn’t intimidating.

* We focus on enjoyable activities, so we don’t need “discipline”.

* We have two months to do the habit change, so if something comes up, it’s but a small bump in the road. And because we’re publicly committed, we’re going to get back on track.

* We have a very specific plan with actions built in, using proven habit change techniques.

If you stick with the method, you’ll do much better than you’ve done in the past with New Year’s Resolutions. You’ll focus on creating long-lasting habits rather than trying to reach a short-term goal that fails. You’ll maintain your enthusiasm for longer and not become overwhelmed by the difficulty of change.

You’ll have habits that will change your life, and that’s no small feat.

The Method

So how does the 6 Changes method work?

It’s simple:

1. Pick 6 habits for 2010.

2. Pick 1 of the 6 habits to start with.

3. Commit as publicly as possible to creating this new habit in 2 months.

4. Break the habit into 8 baby steps, starting with a ridiculously easy step. Example: if you want to floss, the first step is just to get out a piece of floss at the same time each night.

5. Choose a trigger for your habit – something already in your routine that will immediately precede the habit. Examples: eating breakfast, brushing your teeth, showering, waking up, arriving at the office, leaving the office, getting home in the evening.

6. Do the 1st, really easy baby step for one week, right after the trigger. Post your progress publicly.

7. Each week, move on to a slightly harder step. You’ll want to progress faster, but don’t. You’re building a new habit. Repeat this until you’ve done 8 weeks.

You now have a new habit! Commit to Habit No. 2 and repeat the process.

Post written by Leo Babauta.


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Friday, January 01, 2010

2 Great LowFat Recipes For 2010

Oven-Fried Chicken

This is a good alternative to traditional fried chicken and a great way to start the New Year with less fat in your cooking. Save time by buying cornflake crumbs, found in the “breadings” section of the grocery store. Serve it with Sweet Potato Fries. Also low in fat.

1 1/2 pounds skinless, boneless chicken breasts or 2 1/2 to 3 pounds chicken parts
1/4 cup cornflake crumbs
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1/4 teaspoon dried sage
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/8 teaspoon salt (optional)

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Skin chicken if necessary. Spray a 9-inch by 13-inch dish pan with nonstick cooking spray. Mix cornflake crumbs, thyme, sage, pepper and optional salt in a plastic bag. Place a few pieces of chicken at a time in the plastic bag and shake to coat evenly.

Arrange chicken pieces in the pan so that they are not touching. Bake boneless chicken breasts for 15 to 20 minutes or chicken parts for 45 to 60 minutes. Serves: 6.

Variation: For Italian Oven-Fried Chicken, substitute 1/2 teaspoon of Italian seasoning for the dried sage and dried thyme.

Nutritional Information:
Serving Size: 3 ounces meat, cooked, without bone
Carb Servings: 0
Exchanges: 3 lean meat
Nutrient Analysis: calories 137, total fat 1g, saturated fat 0g, cholesterol 65mg, sodium 100mg, total carbohydrate 3g, dietary fiber 0g, sugars 0g, protein 26g

Sweet Potato Fries

You can use either yams or sweet potatoes. Yams have a bright orange color and a stronger flavor, while sweet potatoes are white in color with a milder flavor. If cooking with Oven-Fried Chicken, you can lower the temperature to 425 degrees and bake about 5 minutes longer.

4 medium sweet potatoes or yams, peeled (about 4 ounces each)
1 tablespoon oil (canola or olive)
salt to taste (optional)

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Spray a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray. Cut potatoes into half-inch slices or strips. Place potato slices in a plastic bag with oil and shake well to coat potatoes evenly. Arrange potatoes in a single layer and bake for 12 to 15 minutes, or until golden brown, turning potatoes halfway through cooking. Sprinkle with salt, if desired. One serving is a good source of fiber. Serves: 4.

Nutritional Information:
Serving Size: 4 ounces
Carb Servings: 1
Exchanges: 1 starch, 1/2 fat
Nutrient Analysis: calories 116, total fat 4g, saturated fat 0g, cholesterol 0mg, sodium 15mg, total carbohydrate 20g, dietary fiber 3g, sugars 4g, protein 2g

Source for Oven-Fried Chicken and Sweet Potato Fries: Quick & Healthy Recipes and Ideas, 3rd Edition, ©2008 Brenda J. Ponichtera, R.D.,