Saturday, April 24, 2010

How A Mother Of Six Kids Beats The Clock

Ceci St. Geme manages 6 kids, an assistant coaching job and 45 miles per week. "Running makes me happy - and a happy Mom equals happy kids!"

Thursday, April 22, 2010

MMA Style

"The worst thing one can do is not to try, to be aware of what one wants and not give in to it, to spend years in silent hurt wondering if something could have materialized – and never knowing."

–David Viscott

We've included MMA gloves in our training at FullForceFitness.

Everyone is loving wrapping up, putting the gloves on and then punching, kneeing, kicking and elbowing the 20 + heavy bags that we have installed at XFC Training Center.

We're working on our combos while implementing our regular boot camp style of training.

So now, we are officially an MMA FullForceFitness boot camp!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Brian Is Seeing A Huge Difference!


Just wanted to drop a you a line and tell you how much I enjoy and
appreciate the morning workouts (at

It's only been two weeks after almost a year off due to my knee injury (ACL, PCL, Meniscus) playing indoor soccer.

It's helping me rebuild the muscles that I've lost due to atrophy not too
mention my agility, speed and endurance.

I've been back playing soccer since February and have been missing something, my reactions, cutting and overall play has been horrible to say the least.

After only two weeks of hard core training I can see the light and my play has jumped from 40% of what it was to at least 90%, I've seen a huge difference in my ability.

My endurance is still building but I'm within a few mins of my best 5k time
before the surgery which is awesome!

At any rate just wanted to say thanks and I look forward to continued

-Brian T.
Cedar Park, Texas

Monday, April 19, 2010

"Nothing Can Stop You Except You"

"No matter what you are trying to accomplish, if you keep a positive viewpoint, you will get there. Nothing can stop you, except you. Sure, there are barriers in life that try to interfere with your goals and purposes, but barriers are not stops. They're just life's little pauses to get you to look and see what has just happened and formulate a plan of attack to push forward past the barrier.

Life is a game.

Your purposes are part of that game. All games require barriers or else there would be no game. There are no failures, only opportunities to observe the obvious and choose a course of action to conquer and destroy obstacles.

Expect nothing to be easy.

If it were, the end product would be worthless.

Never let fear get in the way of success. Fear results from a lack of data, from not understanding something. Research that data and you will find the fear disappears.

Challenge yourself." - Steve Michalik, Mr America

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Do Better Than Yourself

"Never mind what others do; do better than yourself, beat your own record from day to day, and you are a success."

–William J.H. Boetcker

Friday, April 16, 2010

Negative Energy

"Every time you violate what you know, or do what you know you shouldn't, you build negative energy in the subconcious. And this negative energy will exert its influence on you every time you try to achieve a goal, in this case, exercising to your maximum potential." - Steve Michalik - Mr USA, Mr America, Mr World

"You were born to do great things, don't fail yourself."

"Thought travels FASTER than light, and light allows you to perceive your reality. So if you think it, and believe it, and make it your reality, it will be there waiting for you."

"Pain originates in the brain and manifests in the area contacted. Overcome the origin and conquer the pain."

"In order to BE something, you must DO something."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

World Class Performer

"The world-class performer is like a jet dashing toward a destination. Always monitoring progress, clarifying direction, and moving back on course quickly and efficiently. There's no mystery about where to land or the goal to reach. Confidence is high and there's minimal confusion along the way. It's only a matter of executing and correcting course as necessary. The plane runs on fuel, the performer on passion. Eventually the pilot executes a smooth landing and the performer manifests his or her vision. No fanfare. No parade. Just victory." -

--Steve Siebold

Good Habits

"Develop good habits while the weights are light. Do not get sloppy. It is not the poundage, but poor alignment that gets you injured. Respect the weight, even if it is light."

–Pavel Tsatsouline

Sunday, April 04, 2010


"It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect it’s successful outcome."

–William James