Monday, January 28, 2013

Down But Not Out

It had to happen.

With 4 germy kids running around loose and all recently sick, their cooties struck me down.

I've got a virus (since Saturday) so I'm making sure to NOT workout and stock up on sleep, hydration and healthy eating.

See you on the other side.

Jonestown, Texas

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Post Cheat Day

If you're trying to lean up for Spring/Summer here in Lago Vista, Texas, the weather has been especially accommodating for you to get outside and walk, jog, run, sprint, etc.

I certainly have been taking advantage of it this week (read my recent blog posts).

When I think of getting lean, I like to break things up into phases.

I've just started phase 1 which is cleaning up my diet post Holidays and post football season.

So phase 1 involves eating 5-6 meals a day, all clean meals except for perhaps dinner.

I like to ease into phase 1.

So far, I've dropped 7 lbs just by getting outside and adding more cardio to my daily routine and by entering phase 1 of my "get leaner" program.

All in less than one week!

The weight loss is mainly water loss (bloat) that has been hanging around as a result of my holiday/NFL football watching nutrition phase.

I've gone from 194lbs since Jan 22nd to 187lbs on Jan 24th.

Lots of water weight and sodium retention.

I had a cheat meal last night (Friday).

After my workout, I came home had a whey protein drink.

60 minutes later, I had a salad with grilled chicken.

Here comes the "Cheat".

I had a piece of red velvet cake and a pint of Blue Bell ice cream.


This morning, I probably gained a few pounds (I don't bother with the scale after a cheat meal).

I drank water, had coffee then did a light workout in my garage gym (pics coming soon) on the concept rower, pull ups, push ups, dips and was done.

I burned around 200 calories and used up some of the excess glycogen (carbs) floating around my system.

Now, as I type this, I'm drinking a ton of water (up to 2 gallons through out the day) and will eat clean for the remainder of the day and until Wednesday of next week.

As mentioned, this is Phase 1 of my program.

Workout was:
2000 meter row
10 wide pull ups
5 parallel pullups
5 fat bar pullups
3 skinny bar pullups
10 dips
10 parallel bar push ups

- Scott

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How To Squeeze In A Workout (With A Kids)

Yesterday, the weather was beautiful out here on the Northshore of Lake Travis (Lago Vista, Texas).

I wanted to squeeze in a workout, so I took my 4 year old and 3 month old outside for a walk.

The 3 month old fell asleep in his stroller within just a few minutes and the 4 year old had fun riding his bike around the driveway.

So I hopped on my concept 2 rower and did 10 minutes of rowing - interval style.

Then I grabbed some dumbbells, repped out some shoulder exercises and finished on the GHR (glute ham raise).

This was about 15 minutes of exercise and added up to around 200 calories.

Mission accomplished.

- Scott

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Juggling Fitness And A 3 Month Old

We have a new baby, 3 months old.

This is our fourth.

From experience, I know that ones schedule can get turned upside down for the first year or 2.

But I'm determined to find ways to stay active during my one on one time with him.

So yesterday, I took advantage of the nearly 70 degree weather here in Lago Vista, Texas and went for a stroller walk for 35 minutes.

He fell asleep.

Then I got on my new concept rower and rowed for 10 minutes.

He woke up.

But that was OK, I found a way to get in 40 minutes of exercise.

Some key points here are to:

  • Get creative with your workout schedule.  You may have to fit in 5 minutes here and 10 minutes there.
  • Have a variety of activities to do.  Rower, walking, lunges, pushups, situps, bike,etc.
  • Prepare your food ahead of time.  
  • Enjoy your time with your newborn.  They grow up FAST...
Later, I went to the gym and knocked out a more traditional strength workout.

The baby stayed at home with Mom.

Mom gets her time as well.

It's important for each of us to have our "me" time and to do something healthy.

Monday, January 21, 2013

New Fitness Equipment Arrives!

I recently picked up lots of new equipment for my garage gym.

This week I am setting it all up and then will be announcing an invite only workout to prepare for bigger surprises around the corner!